Thursday, August 1, 2024

FREE Satellite list for August 1, 2024

Ivy Stone Place

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Feel free to download our Satellite / Transponder list, now in EPUB as well as PDF. EPUB greatly reduces the size of the file.
This is a reference list (not to be loaded into any meter), download to your PC, laptop, smartphone, etc and carry this reference list with you.
This list contains:
  • C-band
  • Ku-band
  • Ka-band - as a reminder, most meters, receivers, and LNBs in use will not do Ka band.
  • Active and inactive transponders
Sat / TP List Details
August 1, 2024
Satellites: 236
Transponders: 6096
DVB-S2: 4730
DVB-S: 1366
Vertical Polarity: 2641
Horizontal Polarity: 2678
RH Polarity: 367
LH Polarity: 409
PDF Pages: 119
PDF Size: 342.5 kB
EPUB Size: 47.8 kB
Download the list
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FREE Satellite list for August 1, 2024