Thursday, August 17, 2023

FREE satellite list for August 17th, 2023

Free Worldwide Satellite / Transponder List

Free Satellite Lists

Thank you to all who have supported this project with your donations.
Please donate to keep this project alive.

Want to know when new lists come out? Get FREE email updates.

August 17, 2023
Sat / TP List Details
Vertical Polarity:2774
Horizontal Polarity:2751
RH Polarity:382
LH Polarity:442
PDF Pages:124
PDF Size:307.6 kB
EPUB Size:51.3 kB

Download it here

If you find this list of use please donate if possible.

Feel free to download our Satellite / Transponder list, now in EPUB as well as PDF. EPUB greatly reduces the size of the file.

This is a reference list (not to be loaded into any meter), download to your PC, laptop, smartphone, etc and carry this reference list with you.

This list contains:

  • C-band
  • Ku-band
  • Ka-band - as a reminder, most meters, receivers, and LNBs in use will not do Ka band.
  • Active and inactive transponders

Want to know when new lists come out? Get FREE email updates.

This list is possible through your donations and by ad promotion.
We need your donations to help keep this list available.

Download it here

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Google Domains coming to a end

Google Domains

Google Domains has been sold to Squarespace

Does Google have your domains? They will automatically move to Squarespace with the promise to keep the price the same "for the first year". On the second year renewal the price will go up.

Do you want to keep the Google price for future renewals? I think I have a solution for you.

I had several domains with Google. I always liked their service and I always recommended Google Domains to my clients thinking that they were a permanent solution. When I saw that they were selling the domain division I started looking for a new registrar. I wanted reasonable pricing but more important I wanted the DNS speed as good (or better) than Google.

Looking for a new registrar took some time but luckily before I made a decision Wordpress sent me a email with a deal that sounded really good.

From Wordpress:

As you may know, Google Domains has been sold to Squarespace and—while they’ve mentioned maintaining prices for the first year—nothing says they won’t increase them later.

Transfer your domains to now, and we’ll pay all transfer fees plus an extra year of your domain registration.

Yes, it’s a crazy deal, and we don’t know how long we can offer this, so act now!

Usually, when you switch registrars, you need to pay for an extra year of domain registration. Not with us. We’ll pay all of your transfer fees and add an extra year of domain registration on us.

So, if you’re thinking of making the move, don’t hesitate—this offer won’t last for long.

And remember: you don’t need to host your site with us to park your domain here. Transfer your domain here, and host your website anywhere on the web.

We’ll pay all your fees, plus an extra year of registration
Transfer your domains to and we’ll not only cover your transfer fees, we’ll also throw in an extra year of your domain registration.

Low prices for life
We’re not only matching or beating Google Domains pricing, we’re also committed to keeping prices low and will only raise them in line with any increased costs on our side.

Note that they make it clear that this is a "Limited Time Offer".

Wordpress claims their DNS is faster than Googles. I have moved all my domains to them and so far I am happy with them. I did get a free year for each domain. It seems to be a really good deal for anyone who want to move their domains away from Google.

Source: Wordpress Blog

I am in no way associated with Wordpress and I do not receive any compensation of any type from them. This article is for information only.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Latest satellite list for Aug. 1st, 2023

Free Worldwide Satellite / Transponder List

Free Satellite Lists

Thank you to all who have supported this project with your donations.
Please donate to keep this project alive.

Want to know when new lists come out? Get FREE email updates.

August 1, 2023
Sat / TP List Details
Vertical Polarity:2759
Horizontal Polarity:2760
RH Polarity:383
LH Polarity:441
PDF Pages:124
PDF Size:308.0 kB
EPUB Size:51.2 kB

Download it here

If you find this list of use please donate if possible.

Feel free to download our Satellite / Transponder list, now in EPUB as well as PDF. EPUB greatly reduces the size of the file.

This is a reference list (not to be loaded into any meter), download to your PC, laptop, smartphone, etc and carry this reference list with you.

This list contains:

  • C-band
  • Ku-band
  • Ka-band - as a reminder, most meters, receivers, and LNBs in use will not do Ka band.
  • Active and inactive transponders

Want to know when new lists come out? Get FREE email updates.

This list is possible through your donations and by ad promotion.
We need your donations to help keep this list available.

Download it here

July 1, 2024 Satellite List