Monday, November 1, 2021

November Worldwide Satellite list released


News and Updates

FREE Satellite / Transponder Lists

Made possible by your generous donations

Release Date: November 1, 2021

Worldwide Sat / TP List Details
Satellites: 262
Transponders: 6962
DVB-S2: 4828
DVB-S: 2134
Vertical Polarity: 3048
Horizontal Polarity: 3001
RH Polarity: 439
LH Polarity: 474
PDF Pages: 133
PDF Size: 329.4 kB
EPUB Size: 55.7 kB

Free Satellite / Transponder List

This list is provided FREE of charge because of your generous Donations.

Don't have a store account? Sign up here
After confirming your order, the download can be found on the "Downloads" page of your account.

We do not require a purchase or any form of payment for the list. Our list remains FREE of charge.

The downloadable 'zip' file contains:

  • The Satellite / Transponder List which includes:
    • C-band
    • Ku-band
    • Ka-band - as a reminder, most meters, receivers, and LNBs in use will not do Ka band.
    • Active and inactive transponders
  • In both 'PDF' and 'EPUB' formats

Feel free to download and unzip our Satellite / Transponder list, now in EPUB as well as PDF. EPUB greatly reduces the size of the file.

This is a reference list (not to be loaded into any meter), download to your PC, laptop, smartphone, etc and carry this reference list with you.

This list is possible through your donations. If you find this list of use please donate if possible.

We need your donations to help keep this list available.

Thanks to all who have donated.


Copyright © Tim Heinrichs, all rights reserved

All materials contained in this document are protected by United States and international copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission from Tim Heinrichs. You may not alter or remove any file, document, trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

July 1, 2024 Satellite List